AMG National Bank Secures Database and Boosts Customer Satisfaction with Help from Qwinix Technologies and Amazon Web Services (AWS).

AMG National Trust Bank is a financial services organization that manages approximately $4.2 billion in assets and continues to grow. To meet and exceed the expectations of bank clients, AMG engaged Qwinix to rebuild and secure their banking application, leveraging Amazon Web Services (AWS) for future growth.

The Challenge

AMG’s aging infrastructure needed to be refreshed to meet the demands of a mobile first strategy. Through the process of discovery, we uncovered that they did not have an adequate systems architecture for scaling the applications, databases, and network infrastructure to support the business.

Proposed Solution

We proposed a new database technology combined with a data migration specific to accelerate the banking data for mobile. We introduced API designs, CD/CI pipelines, edge-caching and security models for mobile application growth. The final piece of the proposed solution was the data architecture design for the coding needed to bring the pieces of the front and back end together, for the applications to talk to API’s and the mobile banking applications.

Services Used

Qwinix deployed a number of AWS catalog services and application development services. This included S3, IAM, Code Deploy, Code Pipeline, EC2, RDS with PostgreSQL, API gateway, Cloud Front. We selected Python, and Ruby as the primary languages, and developed Lambda functions to complete the business workflows to the API gateway and the new databases.


The end result is the ability for AMG to deliver software for the mobile banking market in half the time. Qwinix established an ongoing development relationship in which it hosts the AMG solution as an MSP in AWS Cloud. Our MSP contract with AMG includes application monitoring, data security, API governance as a monthly service with the needed software application, and database upgrades.